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Urja Music was launched as an independent music label & production house in 2003 by SHASHIKA MOORUTH.


With the desire to produce original music but with very little funds, she started to produce simple albums and with hard work and sincerity her music reached worldwide.


With listeners worldwide, tuning in via streaming platforms, Shashika has achieved a great feat single-handedly.


Shashika believes that music is an offering to Almighty and when treated with respect and love, there is no limit to the possibilities open in this field. 


Having stage performance experience since her childhood she also decided to undertake creative stage productions in music concerts with interesting entertaining themes keeping the art form intact. 


As a performing artiste herself, her stage concerts are not just entertaining but her voice fills the atmosphere with an air of calmness and serenity.


As a healer, she motivates and uses her voice reaching out to many. Chakra balancing through her voice is her forte!


Her voice culture classes are not just tuned towards teaching to sing, but her unique teaching method trains one to understand one's voice and sing connecting from one's soul.  


URJA stands for enjoyment, enhancement, ability and inspiration -

our music and events have that ability to invigorate and bring that spark to your soul. 












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